Peace & Joy

Creative Access Missionaries

Peace and Joy both grew up from young ages as part of the ACAC Family.  As a result, each of them has been part of ACAC for nearly 40 years, including serving on the ACAC staff for a season of their lives and ministries

Overall, Peace and Joy have been serving impoverished and underserved communities for the sake of the Gospel locally and globally for 30+ years – passionately engaging in deep authentic friendship with unreached neighbors, seeking to shine Jesus’ Light & share the difference He has made in their lives.  Within such relationships, they have sought to understand real and felt needs, so that, by assisting in meeting needs, they could both demonstrate and proclaim the Gospel boldly to their friends.

After being commissioned and sent out as Gospel Messengers in 2009, Peace and Joy were living and working in a closed Muslim country in the Middle East, amidst a population that has been ravaged by war and is one of the 10 poorest in the world. There they were building a unique project designed to create sustainable employment opportunities through a for-profit Kingdom business venture that focused on the cultivation, production, and export of non-food biodiesel fuels.  Due to a security incident and the deteriorating political situation in the nation in which they were working, they have been unable to be present there since late 2013.

After having to unexpectedly return to the States, for the following 10 years, they were engaging locally with a Muslim refugee community from another of the least-reached countries in the world, assisting them through the transition to life in America, as the leaders of a team that was passionate about loving their refugee neighbors unconditionally and serving them practically, as a demonstration of the love of Jesus.

Within the past year, they have felt a clear call from God to transition back to living and working overseas, but this time in an area of southern Europe, reaching out to the rapidly growing Arab Muslim population there.  This is another unexpected twist in their journey, but we are excited to see what God has in store for them in this next chapter of their lives and ministry.

Peace and Joy have three children – (18), (16), and (10).  Their 18-year-old is currently in college in the States and so will not be accompanying them in this next transition overseas, but their two younger children will be part of this next new adventure in following Jesus.  They would all greatly appreciate your prayers through this significant transition.  They will be taking a Scouting Trip next week as a family to their new location (from October 23-November 8), in order to finalize some of the logistics of their move.  Their planned launch date is 8 months from now (early July 2025).

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