Congregational Leadership

We Value Your Input

An eleven-person Nominating Committee, comprised of Pastors, Elders, staff, and members of the congregation, is charged with the responsibility of nominating candidates for various church boards and offices. However, as our church has grown, it has become apparent that no small group of people could possibly know all our ACAC members well enough to ensure the best-prepared and most interested people are considered. Therefore, in an effort to improve the nominating process, the Committee is seeking your input concerning potential nominees to serve as Elders or in other church leadership positions.

These recommendations may include:
1. Self-Recommendation
for those who believe God has prepared and gifted them to serve in this capacity
2. Recommendations of Others
we simply ask that you first check with the other person.

To assist you, we've prepared a brief description of the offices of Elder, Deacon, Trustee, and Member-at-Large (serving on the ACAC Board of Operations). The responsibilities associated with each of these important roles, and a summary of the qualifications you should be looking for in those you recommend, are included. Remember -all nominees must be official members of ACAC, not merely people who attend ACAC regularly.

The Eder Board:
In the Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Board of Elders constitutes the highest level of spiritual authority in the local church. Elders provide spiritual oversight of the church’s life and ministry. They seek the leading of the Holy Spirit for the congregation; decide upon matters involving the practical application of Biblical doctrine to specific ministry situations; safeguard church teachings and doctrines; assist in the pastoral care of the congregation; and give oversight in matters of membership, baptism, infant dedications, and church discipline.

The Elder Board meets monthly, but individual Elders also have oversight responsibilities in various areas of ministry, such as staffing the Prayer Room each weekend and  praying for the sick or for those seeking to break spiritual        strongholds in their lives. Elders also can be called upon to serve as liaisons to other church boards and committees.

Our Elder Board at ACAC is currently comprised of 21 men. In the Christian & Missionary Alliance, we understand the biblical role of Elder as one God intends to be filled by faithful men in the church.

Elders are elected to three-year terms, with approximately seven being elected annually. After a three-year term, an Elder must step down from the Elder Board for one year before becoming eligible to serve again, a practice that allows for broader participation while maintaining sufficient continuity. In light of their responsibilities, Elders should not be new converts and should manifest the character qualities recorded in Scripture (see 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

In Acts, Chapter 6, the early church appointed the first deacons to provide loving service and support to brothers and sisters in physical and financial need. Our Deacons are their spiritual descendants and play an extremely important and often difficult and under-appreciated role as our first-line “ministers of mercy.” These men and women also administer and distribute the Benevolent Funds of the church. Many Deacons connect personally with specific individuals and families in need. This year, we plan to elect several new Deacons to 3-year terms of service.

Because they interact with people in times of vulnerability, expectation, and frustration, it is imperative that Deacons be people of compassion and sound judgment -tender hearts and thick hides! They should be of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom. (See Scriptural qualifications in 1 Tim. 3:8-13).

The Board of Trustees is charged with the responsibility of custodial oversight of the ACAC’s land, buildings, and equipment. They work alongside the church staff to see that our buildings are properly insured, repaired, and remodeled. They also play an active role in securing and evaluating construction bids and the purchase of any new properties. The Trustees meet as needed, rather than at set intervals. This year we plan to elect several Trustees to 3-year terms of service.

Members-At-Large (serving on the Board of Operations):
Unlike other church officers, these men and women have as their sole responsibility the task of representing the congregation on the ACAC Board of Operations, the body of congregational leaders that helps oversee our financial, business and operational matters. They participate in the monthly decision-making meetings of the Board and seek to ensure the will of the congregation is accomplished and adherence to Scriptural principles is maintained in the management of the church. It is important that these people represent the views of significant elements of our racially, economically,
diverse congregation.”