Care Ministries at ACAC

Caring for the needs of others is something we take seriously at ACAC. Whether it's a time of joy like preparing for and entering into marriage or a time of difficulty such as arranging the funeral of a loved one - it takes a focused effort to be there for you with the training and resources needed.

For that reason, we have dedicated pastors and a trained care team ready to help and intercede on your behalf at such times.

Here are the areas where our Care team members are involved:


Never underestimate the power of prayer. Every week our team is available before and after services in our Prayer Room, located just off the back lobby of our sanctuary. But we don’t stop on Sundays. If you desire prayer, simply let us know and we can arrange a time to pray over you either in person or by phone.

Widow's Ministry
Widow's Ministry

A Christ centered ministry to widows.  It is not a support group but a safe place for widows to gather in community and fellowship, over a delicious meal and guest speakers.  Contact us for more information.

Contact: Sheran White at 412-321-4333 x332 or at


Visitation is available to our ACAC congregants who are shut-in, in the hospital, or in rehab. Visits are done by pastors and volunteers. If you are interested in visitation, please contact us.

Contact: Pastor George Furman at 412-321-4333 x364 or at

Funeral Arranging / Officiating
Funeral Arranging / Officiating

Our Pastoral Care team is available to assist in arranging funeral or memorial services for ACAC members and regular attendees – whether it takes place on campus or elsewhere.

Contact: Julie Federer at 412-321-4333 x362 or at

Deacon's Ministry
Deacon's Ministry

A support ministry to our ACAC congregation to offer a helping hand with resources during a time of challenges or a crisis.

Contact: Sheran White at 412-321-4333 x332 or at

Premarital Counseling
Premarital Counseling

We want to make sure our couples are prepared for marriage from a biblical standpoint and that they’ve carefully considered all the factors in deciding the right marriage partner for life. All couples wishing to be married by a pastor at ACAC must first complete our premarital counseling program.

Contact: Pastor George Furman at 412-321-4333 x364 or at


There are several steps in addition to premarital counseling that must take place when planning a marriage through ACAC. Many pastors on our staff regularly perform weddings, and our facilities are available for rental to members and regular attenders of our church family.

For more information contact Pastor George Furman at 412-321-4333 x364 or at

The first step toward holding a wedding ceremony at ACAC is to arrange an initial interview with a pastor. We encourage couples planning to marry to complete the interview process prior to making formal announcements or contracting wedding vendors. To arrange the initial interview, please fill out the form below.  When you submit the form – we will receive a notification and Julie Federer will contact you to schedule the initial interview with a pastor.


Even devoted Christians can struggle with depression and anxiety. And we aren’t immune to life’s most difficult challenges such as grief and divorce. Counseling at ACAC combines high quality professional therapy with a Biblical perspective while providing a cost-effective option for those in need.

Our ministry partner, the Christian Counselor Collaborative provides both group and individual therapy resources to help people both inside and outside our church family. Let us know how we can help.

The CCC, a non profit ministry that originated out of ACAC, provides professional, private counseling. Go to the CCC website for more information or call 855-222-2575 today.

Support Groups

We hold weekly support groups that allow people who are facing difficult challenges to be Christ to each other and encounter His grace and healing. All groups are confidential.

After Care

After Care is a support group for men and women who have spent time in prison. This group is designed to provide spiritual and relational support to the men and women who attend.

When: Mondays, 6:00 – 7:15pm
Place: Union Place 177
Contact: Sheran White 412-321-4333 x332

Every Man's Battle: For Men Struggling with Sexual Addiction

This group helps men struggling with sexual integrity and emotional compromise in relationships. Pre-registration is not required to attend this support group.

Meeting Weekly
Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:00pm | Union Place 377
Contact: Tom Laird at 412-321-4333 x357

GriefShare: For Those Dealing With Difficult Loss

GriefShare is a support group for those who have experienced loss due to the death of a loved one.  The sessions are 13 weeks in duration.  To participate in the current or an upcoming session.

Wednesdays, 6:30p – 8:00pm | Union Place 380
Contact: Sheran White at 412-321-4333 x332 or at

Living Single over 50

Life for the older adult can be challenging, especially if you are single. This group is designed to provide a forum to share life’s events openly and freely amongst peers.

Meeting Weekly
Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:00pm | ZOOM
Contact: 412-321-4333 x357


RESTORED is a therapy group for people ready to break free from emotional pain. Experience this 12-week journey toward emotional healing through evidence-based and trauma-informed counseling techniques, ancient Christian practice, and the Healing Care model. You will hear from God, lean on Him more fully, and learn tools to navigate your past, present and future with a sense of joy and purpose. Registration is required.

Meeting Weekly: 9/19-12/12
Thursdays,  12:30 – 2:30pm | Union Place 280 | Cost $25/2 Hour Group Session
Contact: Mandy Jabbour 412-748-1430

Letting Go of Worry

Wrestling with Worry, Fear, or Anxiety?

Join our 13-week support group to help you find God’s help and healing in the midst of anxiety.

Starting February 10
: 6-7:30 p.m.
Contact: Bianca Chamberlain at (754) 332 -5106

The Life Recovery Group

Life Recovery group is for men and women who are in recovery from drugs or alcohol addiction. The Life Recovery group is a place to find, help, hope, and healing as together we apply biblical principles and the Christ-centered 12 steps.

Starting February 18
: Tuesdays, 12:00 – 1:30pm
Place: Union Place 380
No registration is needed to come to the meeting

Questions? Please reach out to Tom Laird at or  412-321-4333 x357